Setting an object’s manager

To update the manager attribute you just set it to the distinguished name of the existing user you require. A distinguished name is of the form: CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=com.

So to set Jane Active’s manager to the existing user “John Smith” you would use a message like this:


<Directives WhereToBind=”LDAP://CN=Users,DC=test,DC=com” SearchScope=”onelevel” ObjectTypeFilter=”(objectClass=user)” MaxObjects=”1″/>

<Target PropertyName=”cn” EqualToValue=”Jane Active” />

<Change PropertyName=”manager” ChangeToValue=”CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=com” ChangeType=”update” />


What versions of Microsoft BizTalk Server does ActiveADAPTER support?

Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2 to 2020.

We also have legacy versions back to 2006 R2.

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We are interested in purchasing ActiveADAPTER for use by government or government contractors. What are the export conditions for ActiveADAPTER?

ActiveADAPTER was originally developed by Equate IT, a company registered in Australia. All developers and consultants have Australian or US citizenship. More information can be found in the EULA displayed during installation of ActiveADAPTER.

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Can I use ActiveADAPTER components in multiple BizTalk applications?

Yes. Once installed, ActiveADAPTER Active Directory Send and Receive Adapters will be an available option for all Send Ports and Receive Locations.

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