BTSTask gives me an error when exporting or importing bindings

BTSTask can sometimes throw an error relating to .NET versions when you attempt to export or import bindings for ActiveADAPTER send ports and receive locations. Try the following:

In your BTSTask.exe.config file (located in your Program Files BizTalk folder), add the following just under <configuration> tag:

<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
 <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" />
Can we purchase components of the ActiveADAPTER BizTalk Accelerator separately?

Yes. Prices for individual components are included on our price list. Email for more information.

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Which properties of Active Directory objects can ActiveADAPTER modify?

Virtually all properties. ActiveADAPTER can update, add to, or clear all properties that are compatible with string, number and byte array data types. A number of special properties are also integrated - objectGUID and objectSid, for example. This covers virtually all the properties you can see using Active Directory Users and Computers.

If there are specific properties you wish to use that you are having trouble with, let us know!

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My Solicit-Response Send Port Query Is Only Returning 1000 Results

Try adding the setting PageSize="1000" to your query parameters. For example:

<ActiveDirectoryQuery><Directives WhereToBind="LDAP://CN=Users, DC=test, DC=com" Filter="(objectCategory=user)" SearchScope="onelevel" PropertiesToReturn="cn" PageSize="1000"/></ActiveDirectoryQuery>

By default Active Directory only allows for a single page of 1000 results. By explicitly setting this value multiple pages (and hence all results) are returned.

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